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Massive space junk, An Unknown Object Will Hit Earth In November

Last week's report of a massive asteroid making a "close approach" to Earth on Halloween was a bit of spooky news, but there's a new object on its way that will actually hit Earth next month. WT1190F is a tiny, mysterious object recently spotted by telescopes that will hit Earth on Nov. 13. Luckily, it's less a threat and more of a scientific opportunity.

WT1190F is a piece of man-made space junk, measuring three to six feet in length, that was once lost to the cosmos, according to Nature. The object, which could be a remnant rocket stage from an Apollo mission, presents a unique opportunity for astronomers to track an artificial object. The orbits of only 20 man-made objects are currently being tracked, Nature reported. First observed by the University of Arizona's Catalina Sky Survey, the object has a highly elliptical orbit that sends it beyond the moon. The survey previously observed the object in 2013.

WT1190F's return trip to Earth has excited scientists who enjoy watching things burn up in Earth's atmosphere. The object is calculated to disintegrate in the atmosphere over Sri Lanka, with any surviving bits expected to land in the Indian Ocean. The object is unlikely to cause any damage, but it will burn bright enough to put on a pretty decent show.

Astronomers have made observing the object a priority. It provides the first opportunity to study an artificial object returning to Earth. The best guesses for what it is, other than an Apollo remnant, are a discarded solar panel and a spent rocket stage.

"Spooky" Halloween Asteroid Looks Like a Skull

If you weren’t already having nightmares about the “Halloween asteroid” taking a detour and crashing into New York City, well, this space rock just got a little spookier. First off, Spooky isn’t an asteroid; according to NASA, it’s a dead comet. Worse! It looks like a haunted human skull.

That’s according to the latest optical and radar images of the object generated by NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. According to NASA, Spooky has a high enough reflectivity to be a comet, but lacks the telltale cloud of gas and dust—called a coma—that indicates an active surface.

Its likeness to a human face remains a scientific mystery!

Two, the PR engine at NASA recognized an opportunity to add some Entertainment Value to an innocuous astronomical event that would’ve otherwise gone unnoticed by the citizens of Earth. Remember, humans will see faces and other familiar objects in just about everything—our brains are hardwired to do so. But even if this is just an elaborate publicity stunt, I appreciate the effort. Not every Halloween comes laced with the possibility of apocalyptic destruction at the hands of a vindictive bolide.


Mysterious floating city spotted over China

People in China claim to have seen a floating city in the sky after a mirage in the shape of a cityscape appeared in the clouds over Jiangxi and Foshan. The mysterious apparition, which many believe to have been supernatural, seemed to form a perfect city skyline when it was spotted by residents.

While some people think they have seen a parallel universe, weather experts are saying the unusual sighting was down to an optical illusion known as a Fata Morgana - a type of mirage which distorts objects which are far away.

The meteorological phenomenon caused the light from skyscrapers to be reflected and appear to be higher than they really are. This would explain the eerie image floating above parts of China. Though for some, this simple explanation isn't good enough.

Nasa announced evidence of water in mars

New findings from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) provide the strongest evidence yet that liquid water flows intermittently on present-day Mars.

Using an imaging spectrometer on MRO, researchers detected signatures of hydrated minerals on slopes where mysterious streaks are seen on the Red Planet. These darkish streaks appear to ebb and flow over time. They darken and appear to flow down steep slopes during warm seasons, and then fade in cooler seasons. They appear in several locations on Mars when temperatures are above minus 10 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 23 Celsius), and disappear at colder times.

“Our quest on Mars has been to ‘follow the water,’ in our search for life in the universe, and now we have convincing science that validates what we’ve long suspected,” said John Grunsfeld, astronaut and associate administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington.

These downhill flows, known as recurring slope lineae (RSL), often have been described as possibly related to liquid water. The new findings of hydrated salts on the slopes point to what that relationship may be to these dark features. The hydrated salts would lower the freezing point of a liquid brine, just as salt on roads here on Earth causes ice and snow to melt more rapidly. Scientists say it’s likely a shallow subsurface flow, with enough water wicking to the surface to explain the darkening.

"We found the hydrated salts only when the seasonal features were widest, which suggests that either the dark streaks themselves or a process that forms them is the source of the hydration. In either case, the detection of hydrated salts on these slopes means that water plays a vital role in the formation of these streaks," 

said Lujendra Ojha of the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) in Atlanta, lead author of a report on these findings published Sept. 28 by Nature Geoscience.

Ojha first noticed these puzzling features as a University of Arizona undergraduate student in 2010, using images from the MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE). HiRISE observations now have documented RSL at dozens of sites on Mars. The new study pairs HiRISE observations with mineral mapping by MRO’s Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM).


Planet X System Observations and Orbital Analysis

In this video, we're going to view some very compelling images of two objects within the Planet X system. The brown dwarf at its core and one of it's outmost orbitals, we call Bluebonnet.

Current: PX System is presently inbound from beyond the orbit of Saturn in conjunction with us (opposite side of the sun beyond Earth's orbit.)

Late 2013 to early 2014: The brown dwarf will be in a superior conjunction (opposite side of the sun inside Earth's orbit.) Around this time, the brown dwarf will be passing through the ecliptic into the Northern skies. This is when it will begin have more severe interactions with our Sun. We'll see solar storms and a big increase in volcanism and seismicity. 

ALL CREDITS TO: yowbooks


A model can be created from documented eye witness accounts referenced in ancient manuscripts of Chinese astronomers, Hebrew sources from Torah and ancient accounts in the Bible. We can extrapolate from these eye witness accounts the necessary parameters to construct such a model.

My intent was to prove or disprove such a planet existed! To my surprise, the evidence does exist in ancient manuscripts of such a planet.

The model cannot confirm the year it can only be done by a sighting. It will appear in the night sky to the general public as the largest and brightest object in the sky. The constellation of "Job's Coffin" will point to it's location on the ecliptic (planetary plain). The software model can only give us an estimate on it's approach and possible position. The Earth will intersect the orbital path of this Planet in the month or week of passover, and then a second time 150 days later, this is the same documented and repeated occurrence of a dozen or more times throughout history.


October 17 ??? !!

37 states team up for national earthquake drill scheduled for october 17 2013 :

Pentagon spent 5 billion dollars on the eve of the govt shutdown.
instead of paying their 800,000 employees they purchased 5 billion dollars worth of weapons and ammo:

The treasury secretary is jack lew. and now he is begging congress to raise the debt ceiling before mid october or the world is going to come to an end because the dollar is going to crash:

Washington governor jay inslee has proclaimed october as washington state disaster preparedness ... all coastal communities will test their tsunami siren alert:

ALL CREDITS TO: CourageousNerdz

Source: Youtube Videos

CME from Sun and Fukushima Radiation Turns Sky Red

RED AURORAS: On October 2nd, a CME hit Earth's magnetic field, sparking a G2-class geomagnetic storm. Sky watchers on both ends of the Earth saw auroras; many of the lights were rare shades of red.

Source: Youtube Videos,  Credits to: theoldmarine1


storage tanks for radioactively contaminated water built on slope leaks at fukushima npp

Source: Youtube Videos,  Credits to: unseenrecordings

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